Thursday, March 22, 2012

58 days, 58 days, 58 days, 58 days!

I don't know why when I have spectacular days here I always end up getting super homesick at the end of them! Last Friday, we went to a rural area outside of Cusco, where a different school has been helping repair a school and kitchen and greenhouse. While we were there, we sanded the school chairs and repainted them and also cleaned up the dirt area around the kitchen where there was a bunch of garbage and broken glass. My friend's Tory and Carly got a bunch of tooth brushes sent to them from their study abroad program so we also distributed those out to the kids. They each had to bring a stone to help us before they got the tooth brushes. They also ended up trading their brushes for candy from the store across the street. How ironic, right? Anyway, the kids were cute as shit and it was cool to be able to spend time with people outside my usual "group". A couple of kids that live in the dorms came too, so that's who I'm referencing.


moving a ladder

toothbrushes on toothbrushes

us and the chicos
I suck at blogging I have a few more post I'll actually do. I've moved upstairs and gotten my own bathroom/shower which is sweet. It's kinda like my own apartment. Otherwise my midterms were decent. I bombed one test but I didn't study for it so it's my own damn fault. Sorry ma & pa. Besides this, my life pretty much has a routine, which I love. I can't believe we only have something like 53 days left. Time is flying. ALSO! Going to look at some quaint little place called Machu Picchu  this weekend. Have you heard of it? It's just one of the wonders of the world, nbd, we're gonna go for a casual jaunt through it. Then the week after Mom & Dad are visiting. Can't waiitittttlkjsflejlkm! Well, love ya miss ya, hope Minny is great.

Hasta pronto!

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