Saturday, April 21, 2012


I just realized that in the entry titled 'And then I got my butt massaged' I didn't ever elaborate or explain WHY that title has that title. So, without further adieu, let us go back to the day that my friend and I got our butt's massaged.....

We started out with the intention of going shopping for gifts for us, friends, and family. We meandered into the San Blas area which is where hipsters that come here go to evolve into full fledged rastafarians/hippies. We were meandering, looking at backpacks, looking at alpaca hats, looking at wallets; just looking at shit. We found a little nook that had a bunch of different types of items and were obviously intrigued. When we got back ther,e a woman approached us and asked us if we wanted a massage. After deliberating for all of a minute, we decided why the hell not lets get the massages. She led us into a little room and told us to take off all of our clothes. Okay, so far so good, pretty normal. We took off our clothes except our undies because we felt a little weird about that and covered ourselves in our little blankees and waited. They came in and went to work. I mean, it was fine, except the fact that the massage went extraaaaaaooorrrdiinaaarily high up your thighs. I told myself to relax and that it was Peru and they do shit differently here. Then, after massaging my legs, the lady got on the table and started massaging my butt! It was the most uncomfortable thing I've ever experienced! I'll save you the deets, but it was definitely unusal/uncomfortable/unreal.

love ya mean it

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