Thursday, January 26, 2012

and then i got food poisoning

Hey dudes.

So I musta ate something not so great yesterday cause man I felt like crap today. Okay so I told y'all about that class where I have a teacher crush right? WELLLL I dropped it. I didn't NEED it and it wouldn't have done anything for me and I dropped it to add Latin American Lit which counts towards my major. Anywhooser, getting to school to drop/add said classes was QUITE the adventure.

I was awoken this morning by my stomach grumbling and feeling nauseous. You know that taste in your mouth that you get when you're gonna vom? Well I had that too. I knew it was time to head to el bano (pretend theres a squigly like AKA a tilde above the n). After vomming, I went straight back to bed because I didn't have class til four.

Evita, our housekeeper woke me up and asked if I wanted to eat. I consulted with my tummy and it was a big NO. So I felt bad. At three, I emerged from my bed, tried to look somewhat presentable, and tried to eat rice. It tasted like bananas in a bad way so I stopped that real quick like. Then, it was time for the bus.

I'm gonna take a picture of these god forsaken buses and do an entire blog post on transportation because let me tell you it is NOT a walk in the park. I like to take the bus, because I am a cheap ass and the bus is cheap. I get on 'Tupac Amaru' which is the name of the bus I take to school. These buses range in size and quality. Some are big coach-like buses and there are abundant seats to have. Others are about the size of the creepy vans that you would expect a kidnapper to drive when he's trying to kidnap a small child. Regardless of the size, people cram into these damn things like sardines.

Because God loves me, the bus I got today was tiny and PACKED. Like more packed than I've ever seen it. Begrudgingly, I get on. I only lasted about three stops because surprisingly four more people got on the bus. I lucked out and got to stand next to the guy with terrifying B.O! Besides that, standing on a speeding bus with only your feet and hands white knuckling a handrail on the ceiling isn't the greatest for a gal who is feeling under the weather. I said 'Baja por favor' which is what you say when you need to get off, and stumbled off the bus. I sat down and recollected myself and figured I'd wait for a bigger bus where there are seats so I don't a.)Pass out and/or b.)lose what little lunch I had. LUCKY ME, the next two buses were the same size, and had the same amount of people in them. I resorted to a taxi and got to school just fine.

Clearly, not much has been happening these past fourish days, but tomorrow we start our volunteer service working at a clinic for kids with physical and mental disabilities who have been abandoned by families that cant take care of them. After that, my host mom is taking me to 'Londontown' a bar in Cusco where her friend djs! I can't wait!


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